How to install linoleum

Among all the factors that affect the demand of linoleum among consumers, it is necessary to allocate that it can be placed without special problems with its own. And yet, this does not mean that negligence in relation to this procedure is permissible. Everything must be done correctly.

To begin with, the floor surface must be leveled. If the subfloor is made of wood, then this should not be a problem. Another thing is if the work will be done on a cement screed. Linoleum cannot be laid on it. Therefore, you will first have to install plywood or chipboard. At leisure, it will not be superfluous to learn about communication systems and telemechanics, they are used by many people.

The slab material, which in this case acts as a substrate, is fastened with concrete screws. Linoleum itself is spread on it. You need to wait about two days until it is fully straightened. Then the edges of the canvas are cut with a knife. You can start fixing.

There are two options for this procedure. You can only navigate the cloth to the plywood, and then install plinths. But glue is considered a more reliable way. It assumes that the floor is treated with special glue or mastic. After that, linoleum is also laid on it. So the canvas will be attached over the entire area.