Characteristics and use of reinforced concrete lintels

Characteristics and use of reinforced concrete lintels

One of the main roles in the process of arranging brick and stone buildings is given to reinforced concrete lintels. Various types of these structural elements are widely used in the process of erecting civil buildings. They are installed in places where very large loads are planned.

This means that the jumpers must be as strong as possible. And for this reason they are made from reinforced concrete. At the same time, these elements themselves are called slabs, although they, of course, have nothing to do with wood. Be that as it may, well-made reinforced concrete lintels are not afraid of any loads.

It is only necessary to choose the correct dimensions of this element. They depend on what the design parameters of the load are. Based on them, parameters such as the length of the reinforced concrete lintel support on the masonry, as well as the required amount of reinforcement in it, are selected.

The load that some jumpers can withstand is up to 3700 kgm, which can be called an incredibly high result. The process of installing reinforced concrete lintels is quite complicated. Therefore, in order for the result to be of high quality, the participation of good specialists is required.