Do-it-yourself toilet installation

When repairing your apartment, you will definitely encounter the need to replace the old bathroom with a new one.

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The main role in the installation of the toilet is played by its seat. It just has to be perfectly level. If suddenly you decide to lay tiles on the floor, then this must be done clearly according to the level.

Here’s what you’ll need when installing a toilet?

First, you need to have a tool: a puncher, an open-end wrench, a pencil, acrylic silicone, a set of installation dowels, as well as the toilet itself. Initially, you need to decide on the installation location of the toilet. Then put on its end outlet and prepare a corrugated pipe. For greater convenience, push the toilet slightly forward so that the cast-iron socket does not interfere. Do not cut the bell in any case, this may cause a crack. Then gently slide the toilet into the seat and fix the corrugation in the cast-iron socket. After placing the toilet, take a pencil and move along the contour on the floor. After working with the puncher, insert the dowels and circle the contour of the silicone toilet. Now it remains only to tighten all the screws along the contour of the toilet bowl and safely use the toilet bowl for its intended purpose.