Faroe Islands

Being the largest educational project in the history of the country, the institution unites the Faroe Islands gymnasium, Torshavns – a technical college and a business college of the Faroe Islands in one building, 300 students and 00 teachers.

Situated on a hill, 100 m above sea level, with a panoramic view of the sea, mountains and harbor of Tórshavn, the project is conceived as a whirlwind, beaming towards its surroundings and at the same time focusing on the inner landscape of the school to learn from life.

Each institution is organized as a school with ideal conditions for everyone, creating a sense of community for learning and life. Generous surroundings provide unique opportunities to shape the school from within as a functional sculpture

educated in the internal needs of the school.

Each school will function independently, the constituent space requires room for growth in the future. In addition, by combining three schools under one roof, they will create a synergistic effect of a vertical campus. At the heart of the school is an open space rotunda, creating a natural gathering point through scientific interests.

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