The color of the walls is very important in the appearance of the room. Using one or another shade, you can add any design, make it brighter and expressive. When choosing not the right color, your room will not look flawless. How to choose the right shade of paint for walls? Several tips will help you make the right choice. If you also want to buy cabinet furniture, including the Dresser, we advise you to go through the link.
Never buy paint before choosing a room design. It is not difficult to pick up paint for curtains, carpets, furniture, which is harder to do the opposite.
When you go to the paint store, bring samples of tile or upholstery with you, because it’s better to look at the combination of colors that turn out than to imagine it.
Most often, people prefer to paint walls in saturated colors, and make doors and windows neutral. Try making the walls light and the windows and doors dark. This play of colors and contrasts is becoming popular. Many designers use it in their projects.
Remember that very bright colors affect the psycho-emotional state. Do not make the walls very saturated colors. The room should not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also be comfortable for living.
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