Natural carpets

Natural carpets

The carpet in the east has always been associated with solidity and prosperity, as well as with fidelity to the customs of the ancestors. Many people still keep carpets as their family heirloom. Meanwhile, one cannot fail to say that gradually these works of woven art leave the dwellings, they are replaced, at best, by a faceless carpet that stretches from wall to wall. In fairness, it must be said that most modern carpets are not at all what they used to be, when each carpet was made by hand. Of course, handmade carpets still exist, but they are very few and very expensive, if they can be found at all. At your leisure, it will not be superfluous to learn about refrigeration machines, this information is very useful.

It should also be noted that modern carpets are not just weaved by machines, they are weaved from unnatural material. Which, by the way, to the surprise of many, has advantages, and here it’s not only that artificial carpets are much cheaper, but also that they are much more durable and, moreover, they are safer for allergies and bacterial growth. Many have probably heard that experts simply do not advise allergy sufferers to buy natural carpet, as it can become an impetus for increased allergies and exacerbation of concomitant diseases.